
Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me..."

Matthew 19:14

We have been blessed with soo many children at Christchurch. Half of our attendance on a given Sunday can be between the ages of 0-18 years!
During our 9:15am Discipleship Hour on Sundays, children have a traditional
"Sunday School" lesson, receiving the gospel at their own developemental level.
During our 10:30 service we offer nursery, a 2 and 3 year old class,
and Children's Church (age 4 - 1st grade).
We believe in the importance of intergenerational worship, which is why we invite from 2nd grade and up into our 10:30 worship service on Sundays.
Our yearly children's events include Vacation Bible School, an Easter program and egg hunt, a Christmas program, local parade floats, a fall hay ride, and more! 

Sunday Mornings


Discipleship Hour, smaller group Bible lessons at your child's developemental level.


2's and 3's class, Children's Church,
and main Worship Service

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